A caterpillar on a pillar

How to create a generic automatically generating Slug field for PayloadCMS

When writing content in PayloadCMS, a "slug" field is often necessary for creating user-friendly, SEO-optimized URLs. In this guide, I'll walk through creating a generic slug field implementation, using reusable components to keep your codebase clean and scalable. While this implementation is not perfect, it is a perfect start to learn how to create advanced fields in Payload.

Note: This is developed in Payload 3.0, as payload is still being actively developed changes to Payload may cause this to no longer work.

Overview of the Implementation

  1. A generic slugField function: This function defines the schema for the slug field and integrates validation and the admin interface configuration, you can reuse this field anywhere you want.
  2. A SlugInput React component: This component provides an admin UI for the slug field, auto-generating the slug based on a tracking field (e.g., a title).

Here's how it looks

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Step 1: Define the Slug Field Schema (slug.ts)

Here's how to define a reusable slug field using PayloadCMS:

import { deepMerge, type Field } from 'payload';

type Slug = (options?: { trackingField?: string }, overrides?: Partial<Field>) => Field;

const slugField: Slug = ({ trackingField = 'title' } = {}, overrides = {}) =>
      label: 'Slug',
      name: 'slug',
      type: 'text',
      unique: true,
      index: true,
      required: true,
      admin: {
        position: 'sidebar',
        components: {
          Field: {
            path: 'slug.tsx',
            exportName: 'SlugInput',
            clientProps: {
      validate: (value: string) => {
        const slugRegex = /^[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*$/;

        if (slugRegex.test(value)) {
          return true;

        return 'Invalid slug. Must be kebab-case (lowercase, words separated by hyphens)';

export { slugField };

Key Features of slugField

  • Customization: The trackingField option allows you to specify which field (e.g., title) the slug is derived from.
  • Validation: Ensures the slug is in kebab-case format.

Step 2: Create the Slug Input Component (slug.tsx)

The SlugInput component provides the user interface for managing the slug field. It automatically generates a slug based on the tracking field but allows manual overrides.

'use client';

import React, { type ChangeEvent, type ReactElement, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { TextInput, useField } from '@payloadcms/ui';
import { toKebabCase } from 'payload/shared';

export interface SlugInputProps {
  trackingField: string;

function SlugInput(props: SlugInputProps): ReactElement {
  const { trackingField } = props;

  const { value: slugValue = '', setValue: setSlugValue } = useField<string>({
    path: 'slug',

  const { value: trackingFieldValue } = useField<string>({
    path: trackingField,

  const prevTrackingFieldValueRef = useRef(trackingFieldValue);
  const stopTrackingRef = useRef(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!trackingField || stopTrackingRef.current) {
    if (trackingFieldValue === prevTrackingFieldValueRef.current) {
    const prevSlugValue = toKebabCase(prevTrackingFieldValueRef.current || '') as string;

    prevTrackingFieldValueRef.current = trackingFieldValue;
    if (prevSlugValue !== slugValue) {
  }, [setSlugValue, slugValue, trackingField, trackingFieldValue]);

  return (
            ? `Auto generated based on ${trackingField}`
            : `Will be auto-generated from ${trackingField} when saved`
        onChange={(e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
          stopTrackingRef.current = true;

export { SlugInput };

Key Features of SlugInput

  • Auto-Generation: Listens to the tracking field and auto-generates the slug in real time.
  • Read-only: Personally I don't need to change the slug, so I've marked my input as Read-only, if you do wish to change slugs after generating, simply remove this attribute.
  • Real-Time Updates: Updates the slug only when the tracking field changes.

Step 3: Use the Slug Field in Your Collections

To add the slug field to a collection, use the `slugField` function in the schema definition:

import { CollectionConfig } from 'payload/types';
import { slugField } from './fields/slug';

const Posts: CollectionConfig = {
  slug: 'posts',
  fields: [
      name: 'title',
      type: 'text',
      required: true,
    slugField({ trackingField: 'title' }),

export default Posts;

Additional improvements you can make.

Since this is a simple React component, you can imagine that this pattern can be applied in various ways, not just to create a slug field.

For instance, we can enhance this component by allowing content editors to optionally edit the field if they wish. Let's add this feature now. Please note that I have removed all other code that is not necessary for this functionality to work.

function SlugInput(props: SlugInputProps): ReactElement {
    const [isEditable, setIsEditable] = useState(false)

    return (
        onClick={() => {
        {isEditable ? 'Cancel' : 'Edit'}


By combining a reusable slugField function with a custom SlugInput component, you can streamline slug management in PayloadCMS. This implementation ensures a clean, consistent user experience while keeping your codebase modular and maintainable.
